Dealer’s Login

To become dealer

You want to become a dealer to sell our range in a store or online?

We are looking forward to a collaboration and try to help you on your way.

Please consider:

If you transmit your data to us, you will not immediately obtain a customer’s number. Due to the fact that inquiries often are more than our capacity will allow, we have to work with a waiting list. We herewith avoid difficulties in supplying our customers and guarantee  reliable delivery terms. Therefore we can only accept a limited number of new customers.

Basic Questions

We only deliver to commercial retailers and require a proof by a business registration. In case of inquiries from other European countries we need an identification number (VAT-ID or TAX-ID).

Everything from production until dispatch of your goods will be executed from our location in Schlatt.

You may order our standard program from stock all-season. If there should be shortages in production you will be informed before delivery to enable changes. Basically we are able to reproduce articles in our own production in a short time, so that the desired items would be available again. The articles of our standard program are all in our Catalogue.

Early disposals/Pre-orders autumn/winter. You may place your pre-orders in January of each year. Months of delivery are July – October of the same year. The pre-order-program will be available to download in the dealer’s area  from January on. After receipt of the pre-order we will check availability. If everything is available you will receive a confirmation after the deadline date. You will pay your pre-order 10 – 14 days before delivery term.

Now we are looking forward to get to know you and have a good collaboration:

Step 1

Please fill in the following questionnaire. Please add a copy of your business registration to proof your commercial status. After receipt of all data we will check the possibility of a collaboration.

Step 2

After 1 – 2 working days you will receive our information if you will obtain directly an account or if you will have to be patient until we could start together. In this case we need your answer if you want to be noted in our waiting list.

Step 3

It is important to  consider that the receipt of our documents is not a binding acceptance of a business collaboration. This is the case at the time we accept your first order. If there should be a too long term between the activation of your dealer’s account and your first order, it could happen that your order will not be delivered at the desired term and the account has to be activated again.

Step 4

If the immediate acceptance is possible, we need:

  • Enterprise’s complete address
  • Invoice address
  • delivery address
  • phone- or mobile-number for all further inquiries
  • VAT – number

Only with all data we could open your account and activate the order form for your order.

A customer’s number will also be given with your first order.

Step 5

You have received the activation of the dealer’s area:

  • You will find our catalogue as well outside as inside the dealer’s area. Inside you will also easily find the prices.
  • In the Link “Download EAN” you will find our complete range with the current prices/recommended retail prices/EAN in an excel list to download.
  • With our order tool you will be able to make your purchase order and send it by a mouse click.
  • In the Link Pre-Order you will find our offer for the early disposals in spring for delivery terms in July – October of each year.
  • You will find all information concerning our items and their care at one glance.
  • You may download easily and quickly pictures of our products beneath “Picture Download” . They are listed separately by different qualities.
  • There are also Lifestyle pictures for your promotional actions separated by shootings/seasons.
  • There are noted all frame conditions such as data protection, general conditions and delivery charges within Germany.
  • Shipments with more than 4 large packages (Weight 25 kg per box) will be forwarded complete assured by a forwarding agent. You will receive the invoice directly from the forwarding agent.
  • After information there is also the possibility to pick up the goods.
  • Dispatch abroad according to prior consultation and provider.
Step 6

After you will have send your purchase order you will receive a confirmation of receipt in excel format within 1 working day indicating our approximate handling time. This may be different depending on the volume of your order.  The earlier we receive your order the better we can consider the desired delivery term.
Now we are looking forward to work with you. If there are more questions or our information is not answer enough, please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone. We are at your disposal from Monday to Thursday 8.00 a. m. to 3.00 p.m. and Friday from 8.00 to 12.00 a. m.

Dealer’s registration

What is the sum of 8 and 6?

Indication for registration

If you want to registrate as retailer, please send your business registration on the Upload area.

For customers from abroad (EU-countries)
Please note your VAT-number.

Thank you

  • 100% Regional
  • 100% Ökologie mit Vernunft
  • 100% Cosilana